说书唱戏劝人方,三条大陆走中央,善恶到头终有报,人间正道是沧桑。话说在哪遥远的罗德岛,有两位好汉,一位是身高七尺容貌甚伟:一位是心胸宽广36D.正所谓是不是冤家不聚头,这二人相遇,会擦出什么样的火花呢?一切尽在《Fucknights》-癫峰对决花开两朵各表一枝,这次也算是学了点新东西加进去,但画面效果仍旧不慎理想,和其他高手们的作品仍有差距。但饭要一口一口吃,我也要继续钻研打磨,还望各位海涵。Storytelling and opera persuade people, three main roads run through the center, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the righteous path of humanity is full of vicissitudes. The tale begins on that distant Rhode Island, where there are two heroes: one is seven feet tall with a striking appearance, and the other has a broad heart and a 36D figure. As the saying goes, "Enemies are destined to meet," so when these two cross paths, what kind of sparks will fly? Find out in Fucknights - The Ultimate Showdown.Two flowers bloom, each on its own branch. This time, I’ve learned a few new tricks and added them in, but the visual results are still far from ideal, and there’s still a gap compared to the works of other masters. But meals are eaten one bite at a time, and I’ll keep studying and refining my craft. I hope you’ll all bear with me.4k60fps:https://www.patreon.com/c/weishezhi/shopX:https://x.com/weishezhi123