Koikatsu that with FULL Az Shader Standard Mods.Fixed a small issue of skin\'s NormalMapDetail, also just want to remind myself that this isn\'t the limit of Acezen\'s shaders.\n//我現在做的這些效果還是連Acezen佬兩年前作品的尾巴都勾不著(哈哈)▼Sources :◎ Used Card : So Strange...\nwww.pixiv.net/users/20372329 (edited by me.)◎ Used coordinate : ?no clothes◎ Used Music : AOA - 심쿵해 (Heart Attack) MV (Choreography ver.)\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4alAfL1OcZg◎ Motion : [MMD] AOA - 심쿵해 (Heart Attack) [Motion DL]\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcL7apuGTq8◎ Camera : 【カメラ配布/Camera DL】キアナでHeart Attack【Kiana Kaslana】\n@mox : 【カメラ配布/Camera DL】キアナでHeart Attack【Kiana Kaslana】◎ Scene:\nMade by me.◎ Shaders & Technical guidance :\n@acezen3d : Acezen◎ record tool : Videoexport 1.5I do not own the copyright of the above sources, the copyright belongs to their owners.